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Articles by Irina Gordienko

Nagorno Karabakh: il conflitto è vivo, le persone vegetano

15/04/2016 -  Irina Gordienko

Mentre i politici ponderano le sorti della "zona di contatto", le persone aspettano una sola cosa: la fine di una lunga guerra. Reportage

Ossezia del sud, poche speranze per l'economia

24/04/2013 -  Irina Gordienko* Tskhinvali

A ormai cinque anni dal conflitto che ha visto contrapposte Russia e Georgia, le ingenti risorse destinate allo sviluppo economico dell'Ossezia del sud non hanno portato risultati tangibili. In molti se ne sono andati. Neppure gli scambi economici con la Russia sono pienamente regolamentati

Russia, NGOs become "foreign agents"

21/11/2012 -  Irina Gordienko* Moscow

Today, a new federal law on NGOs enters into force in Russia. All associations working on human rights will have to register as "foreign agents", and could stand accused of high treason. The Russian government, apparently frightened by the wave of protests against electoral fraud, introduced the new law to restrict the activities of organizations researching the election process, but the law will affect all NGOs, especially in the Caucasus

Ingushetia, the circle of injustice

08/08/2012 -  Irina Gordienko Moscow

The "circle of injustice" that leads to continuous violence in Ingushetia and throughout the North Caucasus is the focus of a recent report by Amnesty International. Irina Gordienko, special correspondent of Novaya Gazeta, tells OBC readers about it

Daghestan, prove di dialogo tra sufiti e salafiti

22/06/2012 -  Irina Gordienko*

I continui attentati in Daghestan lo hanno fatto passare inosservato. I rappresentanti delle due fazioni religiose in lotta, sufiti e salafiti, si sono seduti al tavolo dei negoziati. Per OBC il commento di Irina Gordienko, inviata speciale di "Novaja Gazeta"

Dagestan, two years of Magomedov

06/03/2012 -  Irina Gordienko* Mosca

Two years ago, in February of 2010, Magomedsalam Magomedov became the President of Dagestan. His appointment was accompanied by the hope that this successful entrepreneur, young and educated, could bring actual change to the Caucasian Republic. A hope that was widely thwarted, leading to previously unseen street demonstrations and spelling out of the strong desire for social dialog that characterizes today’s Dagestan